Thursday, August 3, 2023

Taking a stand

 To take or not to take a stand can never be a question. You have to take a stand to be called a human being. 'Why so', is that your question? Well, I would say it shows you have certain principles you live by. When you take a stand, you prove that you are not a weathercock who moves the way the wind blows. 

Such gimmicks may appear successful initially. In the long run though, your credibility as a human being, as a professional is completely lost. Nobody takes you seriously. Nor do people value you, forget highly. They may not say so to your face, but behind your back, there would always be a smirk nichered.

Does taking a stand mean being stubborn? Does it mean being rigid? Surely not! You do believe in co-operation. Co-existence is your motto, too. Yet there are certain below your dignity compromises you would not accept, come what may. 

In my opinion, forget human beings, even animals take a stand. 'This far and no further' is the limit we have to follow not only with wild animals, but even with the pets. If you have a cat at home, you would have noticed that she allows you to pet her as per her standards! A pet dog, whatever be the breed, is the gentlest of the beings. Yet if a person repeatedly rebuffs, ill-treats him for no rhyme no reason, for no fault of his, he would not tolerate it. He takes a stand, he is consciously aloof from such a person!

Let me give you an example. If a person is consciously ill-treating you even when you have not harmed him/her, even when you have turned a deaf ear to the nasty rumours and rants against you he/she spreads, yet this person is  trying his/her level best to consciously belittle and humiliate you constantly, should you take all this nonsense just because none is ready to support you against the bully, even when you are absolutely in the right?

That is taking a stance. As a nation, for example, we stand up to Pakistan and China, individually, and both of them as a front.  Remember, we did not mind; in fact, stood up to the American-European specious arguments and pressure tactics regarding  India's Russian crude  oil requirements which were  validly established much prior to the Ukraine war. In brief, sincerely, without arrogance, standing up to what you believe in makes you decent, trustworthy and respected. So to take or not to take a stand can never be a question! That is because by not taking a stand, too, you are taking a stance!

Pratima@"It is easier to go down the hill than up. But the view from the top is better," says H.W.Beecher.

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