Monday, August 28, 2023

The Flower Princess

 Did you read fairy tales when you were a child? I for sure did. Aai-Papa encouraged us a lot when it came to all such extra-curricular activities. 'Reader's Digest' to 'Chandoba', 'Aesop's Fables' to 'Panchatantra' to 'Fairy Tales', magazines and books were our staple diet, and aplenty! I often used to get books as presents. As for the small, little school library, I had as good as devoured it. 

Of all the fairy princesses I thus read, my most favourite one was 'The Little Mermaid' by Hans Anderson. Well, even now, it is one of my most cherished texts because one can find layers of meanings in it that are deeper than the sea. 

Given such proclivities, one of my treasured pastimes was giving a face and a shape to each of the much loved literary characters. For my favourite little mermaid, the perfect symbol appeared to be the coral flower.

The coral flower is indeed absolutely fabulous. It has its own unique purity. Its snow white fragile petals are  delicateness itself. There is an indescribable innocence to their cut flower shape. The reddish ochre stem has its own gorgeous feel, and a fiery though silent strength.

The bud is a beauty, too. It is a dream to see these wonders cascade down even as you just gently shake the branch. Each flower comes dancing down. Even when it falls on the earth, it retains its clean, touch-me-not angelic image.  

Unbelievable is its fragrance. It is not heady. Nor is it intoxicating  There is a gentle divinity and  sweetness to it. Etheral is indeed the flower. One cannot be rough or harsh with it. Hold it on to your palm and the fragrance lingers on to your fist for quite some time.

No wonder, the coral flower tree is known as a gift from the heaven. No surprise that Lord Krishna gave it as a symbol of love to Rukmini.  There IS something unique and special about this flower that is simply fabulous.

One year the coral flower tree in our front yard bloomed so beautifully that we literally used to get flowers by kilos. I used to string them together in to thick luscious garlands for each one of the frames in Aai's devhara which used to look simply divine. 

Yes, indeed, there is something precious and unique about the coral flower. Rather like the feisty, innocent, idealistic, imaginative and intelligent Ariel, the Little Mermaid! No wonder, come Shravan, and yet again each year one yearns for the evening when on the drizzle soaked air wafts the gentle melody of its unique fragrance as precious as its presence!

Pratima@What to adore of the coral flowers? Fragrance, shape, colour in combo on us each showers! 

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