Monday, April 15, 2024

Bane or boon?

 Remember during the school days, we had to write such essays as "Science: A boon or a Bane?". Both sides of the issue had to be presented, and finally we had to arrive at some conclusion. Called the argumentative essay, writing it used to be fun, right? Oh, no, do not worry. I am not going to attempt one. 

As the election dates in various phases are approaching nearer real fast, this bane/boon feel about most all issues is emerging real hard, right? Well, remember the Messiah of the YouTube wor(l)d? Yes, you are right. Indeed there are one too many! Well, this one considers himself 'holier than thou'. Yes, that constricts the search a tad more, yet leaves it wide open. True, that is right, too!

Okay, let us not play hide n seek any more. Yes, you guessed it right. I was referring to Dhruv Rathee. Well, I was listening ( you read it right. I watch any video for the first few minutes, and then glance at the screen only if very necessary at all) to this video within video on him which exposed all his black deeds and darker purposes, yet again occurred to me, the truth of the school essay title, boon or bane?

The video I listened to mercilessly tore the 'truths' Dhruv sleuthed selflessly! The case made was absolutely precise, scientific/technical and foolproof. In a way, such exposures prove that nothing is a bane or a boon. It is just the perspective that makes it so!

Well,  such relativism itself is, eh, both a bane and/or a boon! Not really though! Undoubtedly, subjective foci add that extra sheen to anything, be it an intellectual  position or a mundane point of view. Yet we cannot toss truth away this very lightly either, right?

Facts are facts. It is not merely perspectives that give them the truth value, right? Total relativism can create hopeless havoc. Truth is, and yet is not merely interpretation. Is there any objectivity at all? Is the whole a mere shadow game of subjective perceptions? 

Well, subjective philosophers of all hues and shades may tell us that 'the whole is an idea' or 'all is perception'. Yet it does hurt when we kick a stone, right? To perceive this factual experience, we need not know either Korean (proverb) or Newton's Third Law of Dynamics! Simple reality does exist. It is not exactly right hence to make everything a game of perspectives. Such extremism, too, is a fiction, taking us away from facts!

So what is the moral of the story? Truth is both, fact and fiction. Life is kaleidoscopic. Patterns change as per the shift in the angle(s), and yet the pieces of the bangles with which we made the kaleidoscope do exist, right? So to think or not to think is never the question. To maintain a balance of both the fact and the perspectives is the solution!

Yes, the question that then would emerge is whose balance how, right? Well, till lions learn how to sculpt, statues would always show men riding or subduing lions! In short, nothing is neither a boon nor a bane. Thinking makes it so! In brief, never take any influencer seriously at all, THE major mantra of our media-ted times!

Pratima@" Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not truth," said Marcus Aurelius ages ago. Nothing hence is a bane nor a boon, the 'side' makes it so! 

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