Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Exasperated Earth

 Beware the ire of the gentle, they say. People who are by nature tolerant, by inclination generous, do not easily get angry. They tend to overlook a gaffe too many. They do not react often, but once things reach far beyond their patience, they burst like the molten lava, absolutely unstoppable and hotter than the Thar desert at the height of the summer season.

Parents, mostly mothers, often reveal this unique facet. Today I would like to assert that the arch mother of mankind, the earth, has now long crossed past this boiling point. So badly have human beings ill-treated Mother Earth that visible is her deep distress.

On the Earth Day, many  become aware of the futility of Earth's frustration. At least for a day! Soil is getting arid, water tables are running dry, clean air is getting costlier than life itself. All these phenomena are indicators of the earth's deep anxiety. In our cursed search of development and 'modernity', we have forgotten sustainability!

Time to turn back, time to listen to the grievously hurt earth whose wounded wail  now needs urgently to be assuaged. Well, the rich and the mighty may dream of colonising the Moon and the Mars. Lest they and the others of their ilk forget, neither planet has either the oxygen or the hydrogen or the gravity of the ever forgiving earth!

Pratima@Time to remember that even Lord Krishna forgave hundred trespasses!

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