Sunday, April 7, 2024


 The very term is quite a mouthful, right? Oh, yes, what this word conveys is still more bothersome. Do you know what is is? Okay, let me ask you a few questions.

Do you often face a lack, and worse still, loss, of stamina? Performing daily physical activities is a bother? Do you walk slowly? Climbing stairs is tough and troublesome? Well, these are symptoms of sarcopenia.

What is sarcopenia? It is the loss of skeletal muscle mass. As per its Greek etymology, it literally means flesh, that is, muscle, poverty. No, it is not a cancer, but it is equally bad, as it may affect the victim's mobility.

 Who are the majority affected by this condition? It is the elderly. As we turn thirty, slowly but surely starts the process of muscle mass weakening/reducing. Especially those who jog a lot start this decrease earlier. The process starts galloping late sixties onwards. It is believed that after seventy, the sarcopenic speed is high and huge. 

In this era of specialisation, who are the  doctors to look after/care  for such victims? The geriatric specialists and the rheumatologists would obviously be the answer. 

Yet the real remedy to this condition is to be up and moving. It is necessary to be physically active, exercise, climb stairs, go for walks. Actual physical activity can easily slow down, if not exactly reverse, the condition. Actually, if you twirl your toes inwards and outwards often, it helps, too.

Yet another remedy is, yes, food. A diet that is protein rich, has amino acids and Vitamin D is recommended. Obviously, an intake of veggies and fruits is necessary. Supplements such as cod liver oil tablets (Papa made Seven Seas tablets part of our staple diet as pure vegetarians lack proteins. Aai used to prepare wheat powder that we had to guzzle with hot milk every morning. Wise moves indeed!), omega 3 inputs would sure help, too.

In other words, if you want to avoid falls and fractures, not merely watch your weight, but be active physically, exercise as much as you can, and eat well. Sarcopenia sounds silly thus!

Pratima@The ancient advice "चरैवेति चरैवेति" is indeed the ideal mantra.

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