Thursday, April 25, 2024

True Strength

 As the Ramnavami was a great celebration this "annus magnificus", by cascading effect, the observance of the Hanuman Janmotsav was special, too, this year. Incidentally, it must be noted that as Hanuman is a 'chiranjivi', somebody who is eternal, his cannot be a 'jayanti' as this word is related to mortality. Hence 'janmotsav'! Indeed, every word properly used, carries a wealth of meaning, right?

It would not be hence too off the mark to note that beginning from his 'janmotsav', every aspect of Hanuman's being, his existence is unique. No wonder, for a Mexican author/thinker like Octavio Paz, Hanuman is an interesting symbol.

In my opinion, Hanuman enjoys multiple significations. To begin with, he shows how true dedication leads to the devotee himself/herself becoming the divine. Shri Ram is Hanuman's very heartbeat, is at the core of his existence. In the process, a 'kapi', a monkey by birth,he transcends even humanity, and becomes divine.

Sociologists should look in to this interesting facet of our epics wherein a robber transforms in to a great poet, a 'kapi' evolves in to divinity. To look at a few further examples, Vyasa is the son of a fisher woman. Rama is a Kshatriya. Krishna is brought up as a 'gopa', a milkmaid's son. The list is endless. In other words, looked at carefully, the ancient texts are very inclusive. They do not distinguish on the false premises of casteism!

Why, the Ramayana is replete with how Rama defeats Ravana with the support of the folk, of the Adi-vasis, rhe so-called 'Pancham jati'. In my opinion, the Hanuman symbol is great proof that it is wrong to confuse, to muddle the whole societal debate through a casteist identity politics. In this lies his true strength.

He is indeed strong because he is devotedly dedicated to his work. He can thus attain wonders, cross the seas, carry moutains. Taken metaphorically, such details would mean that his commitment to his duties is not merely absolute, it is highly creative, it is full of alternative thinking, and hence it is truly excellent.

Yet he is joyful, even a little naughty. Look at Lanka dahan, for instance. Even at the time of his birth, it should be noted that the bright sunrise appears to him like a distant luscious fruit. In other words, despite his dedication to duties, such a creative alternative look makes him look at work as fun, too. 

True strength in my opinion lies in such a creative, alternative vision. No wonder, he is an eternal entity, forever alluring!

Pratima@ True strength is not merely physical. It lies in turning any possible weakness in to an achievement, I believe. What say?

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