Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Fool full feel

 Well, most all people like a little bit of fun, given the way life is right now. We are eternally hurried, and forever harried. A feel full of fooling someone in an innocent way, and then screaming your lungs out "April Fool" is the urge almost everybody would enjoy.

Have you noticed the very title of our blog? It is quite a mouthful, and a tongue twister! So, April Fool, folks! Did you play pranks on friends and family? Such as inviting people for a meet which you cancelled at the last minute when almost all had almost reached the venue, leaving all fretting and fuming? Such as making someone taste a salty tea in which you made him/her pour salt instead of sugar? Such as giving someone a look alike banana made of wood to eat?

In other words, the April Fool fun is not vicious or malicious. Nor is it meant to show someone small, to show somebody down. It is a stupid prank which the victim does not mind as it is not harmful. 

It seems the practice began some centuries ago when France changed the calendar pattern, making it Gregorian. As is usual, some people took time to get used to it. Out of the sheer fun that thus emerged was born the April Fool day. Some sources assign the origin to a poem about a man who would send all on empty errands.

Whatever may be the source of and wherever  be the origin of this custom, now it is followed the world over. For a day, may be, it can be said, the whole world goes back to being a naughty kid! Long live the April Fool day as it promotes innocent fun in a world becoming more and more irresponsible and wicked and vicious!

Pratima@ Do read Cervantes' "Don Quixote" to meet a naive guy forever April fooling himself!

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