Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 Siblings are our most natural allies. Age is not at all a significant factor in this equation! At any age, let there be any problem or some difficulty. Your go-to person number one would often be your sibling, right?

 Of course, we are all aware that the person standing there in front of us is not the kid we adored some forty or fifty years ago.  The middl(ling)e years have performed their weird magic.

Yet behind the thinning hairline, beyond the spreading waistline, beats a heart that still cares for you, right? The relative(s') distance matters not. Nor can their worldly wise advice deter your instantaneous impulse to reach out.

Yet again flows that happy stream of associations, the fun moments shared, the scoldings, the beatings, too, in certain cases. Hence the following celebration of the sibling bond!

Sincere in soul

Insistent bond despite the differences!

Better than the best!

Loving despite all the acrimonies!

Immortal memories rush back.

Never ever forgotten are the childhood days.

Gone with the wind are sillinesses.

Severed never is the natal cord!

Long live siblings! Actually no day is needed to celebrate the sibling togetherness-es. In the U.S., April 10, it seems, is dedicated to the siblings!

Pratima@Siblings are our mirror images. The left may be the right, or the vice versa. Yet the face is the same! Beyond any masks are the sibling 'reflections', right?

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