Wednesday, May 15, 2024

It is a special day today!

 In the world today, any day is a special day because making days special makes consumerism an easy game for the market forces. The laissez-faire economy Adam Smith advocated has f(l)attened itself in to crony capitalism, and the MNC/TNC conglomerates. Well, in the world of Bitcoins and the dark economy, even these are ancient tales. Hence market is the king. As a result, you have quite funny 'days', too. It seems today is the buttermilk biki day.   

Well, buttermilk is the best of all the milk products, say the experts. But buttermilk bikis do not exactly make the mouth water, right? May be, that is because I have neither tried nor tasted them. Even if I had, I would not like to waste an entire blog on trivialities.

Hence let us talk of a few truly important events that took place on May 14.  In 1956, on this very day, an impossible dream transformed into an actual reality.  On this day in 1956, the heroic duo, Hillary-Tensing conquered the Everest for the first time. Thereafter, there have been gritty tales such as Bachendri Pal's or Arunima Sinha's. Why, recently, near the peak, there was even a huge traffic-jam of mountaineers!

Yet another inspirational and truly radical event that took place on May 14 is the 'father of immunology', Dr. Edward Jenner, trying the cow pox vaccine on a human patient. This human trial led to the vaccine revolution whose fruits we have tasted recently during the COVID years. Jenner could thus invent vaccination for the dreaded disease then, small pox, which vaccines have now almost eradicated.

It is such tales of trials and tolerances that truly make a day great, right? Long live such heroes and hail, such days!

Pratima@Personally, for me, the day is great because my brother, Parag, fondly known as Raju, left for England to make there yet another professional presentation, quite an honour. Accompanying him is his wife for whom this tour is his present for her sixty-first birthday, recently celebrated.

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