Thursday, May 9, 2024

Laughter as yoga

 You must have come across this site, mostly in the mornings. Evenings such sightings are rare. No, no, do not worry. I am not talking of any wild site. True, we do live in a jungle. But that is the cement concrete type. And, yes, most 'citi'zens are wild, if the road rage is any proof. Even then not to worry. I am not talking of any danger.

Instead I am referring to a very happy and healthy practice, the hasya yoga, to laughter as medicine. Often in parks, you would see a group of mostly senior citizens throwing their arms up in the air, and laughing away to glory. Oh, yes, there are very many types of laughters they try.

They laugh like a lion roaring. They laugh as if tickled. They laugh like a smile spluttering.  Looked at from a distance, too, the look of this club brings a smile to our lips.  Of course, even in real life, we do know people who laugh like a donkey braying, right? So such a sight is a pleasure in comparison.

True, this laughter is artificial. Yet it is a stress buster in its own way. Alongwith it is often tried pranayama. Thus at least some more oxygen reaches our lungs which is good for our overall health. Worth a try is this low cost, high benefit medication without any side effect.

Since 1998, under the Mumbai based Dr. Madan Kataria's guidance, the first Sunday every May is celebrated as the World Laughter Day, a welcome move indeed. Let us all join this fun movement, and laugh our way to better health.

Pratima@Laughter, they say, is the best medicine!

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