Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The pot calling

 Have you heard of this very picturesque proverb ; namely, 'the pot calling the kettle black'? It means accusing others of the fault(s) one is overflowing with. Why am I referring to it? Therein  hangs a tale!

April, T S Eliot wrote, is the cruellest month. Let us re-write the dictum a little. April is the most dangerous month. Why so? Well, yes, it is the month of the exams which used to appear life-threatening to many in the pre-MCQ days.

There is yet another terrible reason though. Well, why hide the inevitable? In April was born (April 20) and died (April 30) one of the most hated human-beings, Herr Hitler. Hitler is a by-word for inhumane injustice and cruelty as the Holocaust horrors unfurled. His Nazi party symbolises hideous harshness and cruelty. Worst of all, he stands for dictatorship.

Well, whenever anyone wants to revile someone, the easiest cussword is 'you are a hitler', and all is said, and done! Especially in the political circles and the intellectual arena, it is the most bandied about term.

As for politics, one can understand the loose usage. Politicians would, and could, kill the foe thus. Well, it is the intellectual  circle that is the funniest when it comes to using this term.  

A so-called intellectual, especially in academia, but in most all cultural/creative circles, would go to any extent to create her own fiefdom. She would pull all possible strings to land a plush n plum post. A so-called intellectual can literally murder, but metaphorically surely does, any candidate whom such mafiosi are excellent at gauging as a more than a worthy competitor.

Remembered only when useful somehow,  preferably though for her death, such a worthy candidate is actually constantly on the radar of the culture vultures. They would try their level best to gang up against her. They would try to tarnish her through their carefully calibrated gangs. Such mafiosi would release subtly vicious and absolutely baseless scandals against the poor victim. As it is the word of mouth game, the poor thing cannot counter it either!

The fun thing, in brief, is that their own behaviour is such that Hitler, Mussolini, Franco would all blush beet root red, but they would constantly harp on calling the politician they conveniently hate 'Hitler'! Some example of the pot calling the kettle black!!!

Pratima@How you describe others deciphers your inner reality the best! Tell me how you talk of others, and I can tell who you truly are, right?

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