Monday, November 18, 2024

Deadly Disease

 Oh, no, the title need not delude you. No, the blog is not going to be about the dis-ease called poisonous people. They sure are not worth so much thought. Period.

The blog today is about a silent killer which is hence a deadly disease. Unfortunately, India is soon going to be the epicenter of its volcanic spread. The statistics is already quite frightening. Apparently, one in every threesome is a victim of diabetes.

Diabetes has no surface manifestations. It destroys from within, and all the centrally important organs. It consists of insulin resistance. In a way, it is a life style induced dis-ease as well. Loads of psychological stress, fast food, irregular work hours, lack of exercise, addictions of all sorts result in this dis-ease.

Once detected, it requires life time medication and regulated food habits. It is not life threatening though. With proper care, normal and long life is possible for a diabetic patient. Type II is more rampant, though Type I attacks very early in life.

Its hypoglycemic version, less sugar in the blood stream, is more dangerous than the hyper- type which can easily be controlled with proper medication and regular tests. Well, facetiously it can be said that diabetes proves how dangerous it is to be sweet inside, from within!

Pratima@The disease is deadly for two reasons; namely, the prolonged medication has side effects for one thing. It may be inherited, moreover.

Well, I have a terrific, rather terrible, sweet tooth. I cannot live without sweets which I can gobble up by quintals. On Aai's side, everybody is a diabetic patient. Well, when the monthly test shows my sugar at 98 tops, for me, it is a sign that 'God is his heaven/ and all is well with the world,' to quote Browning.

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