Sunday, November 10, 2024

Mirror, mirror, on the wall

 Remember the catch phrase of the wicked stepmother in the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"? Yes, it is "mirror, mirror, on the wall/who is the fairest of them all?" Till Snow White has not grown up, the mirror always gives her the answer she loves. When the mirror soon tells her the truth though, all hell breaks loose.

Well, the fairy tale is not exactly our theme though. The stepmother's obsession with beauty that is at the center of the fairy tale, that is our topic today.  Why? Well, the Google is running a story entitled "The Most Beautiful Women in the World". I browsed through it, and found it most disappointing.

Oh, no, the stuff is politically most correct. Yes, there are black women; there are Latinos; there are Indian beauties, too.  Yet I found the article horribly boring. Why? Well, all these beautiful woman belong to the entertainment industry. They are either actresses, singers or models. 

Extremely sad this fact is! The underlying premise behind such a choice is that women are nothing but eye candy! It, moreover, implies that the world begins and ends with the entertainment industry! Even within that industry, there are brilliant women directors, superb cinematographers, creative script writers/lyricists. Why are they not beautiful? Why such passive idea of beauty? Why is beauty skin deep and make-up thick?

How come an author is not a beauty? How about a scientist? A thinker? A philosopher?  Well, such women are not only traditionally beautiful. They have a tremendous personality. They ARE extremely beautiful what with the intelligence, maturity and creativity just burnishing through. Even look at the political leaders. They exude a certain charisma!

And how about the ordinary  woman? These days even the Swatch women turn up for their so-called lowly work more decked up than the actresses, et al. Yet their kind of beauty due to and despite hard work is special, too.

A housewife, a mother, a teacher/lecturer, all of them are beautiful, and far far more than the typical ideal flaunted by the entertainment industry. Just look around, and you would find zillion examples!

Pratima@Sure one should be clean,  neat and proper. That basic fact adds hugely to the presence of a person, right? 

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