Sunday, November 3, 2024

Sis-n-bro/is how we grow!

 Big brother! That terror made horrific by George Orwell in his dystopian novel "1984" could be a reality for many in real life, sibling relationships. Lucky I am! I do not have to worry that way.

Sure the sister-brother relationship is more complex than what many senti novels or most typical Bollywood films show. Indeed, flowers and stars would most often than not blush at what they are supposed to say as per the famous song because very few sisters are 'one in million'!

In other words, hype may be hip, but it is as banal as the apparently naughty, actually nutty, smart Alec-y wisecracks that WhatsApp, Instagram types overflow with. A sibling IS for lifetime! No other relationship, except that with parents, is as born and grown up with as the sibling bonds are. 

So much is shared during the formative years that it just cannot be wiped out. Whatever magic as well as havoc life may bring in its wake, our responses, despite all the developments during later years, are defined by our pre-teen years when the closest we are is with our siblings. In short, as sis-n-bro we do grow.

Cousins can never replace a sibling. Period. The reasons are aplenty. That is hardly the theme today though. A brother, unlike a cousin, would never even think of harming you even unconsciously. Whatever might be the compulsions in his life, he would wisely negotiate them so as to be there for you if you need him. In brief, as sis-n-bro is how we do grow, and stay.

Yes, a brother is a silent support, most reliable in a world that is always busy back-stabbing and/or double-dealing. If your brother dislikes something you say or do, you worry yourself sick finding the cause, and the solution to it.

What I like the most about the sister-brother relationship is that there are hardly any material expectations. Most sisters these days are independent, have their own careers, face thousand difficulties, personal/professional, on their own. Yet the real succour if it is found is with one's own brothers who are the same generation, and hence would help the best, in case you need any.

As the sister-brother bond is so born(e) and basic, is not it but natural that Diwali, the festival of hopes, should close with the celebration of this most helpful and hopeful bond? Happy Bhaubeej!

Pratima@Oh, yes, unlike "rakhee",  "Bhaubeej" has not evolved either historically nor has it proliferated due to Bollywood bonanzas. It is very much there in our texts, myths and legends.

Yes, I am aware that most children these days are the only child of their parents. May be, that is why all the tensions and troubles that cannot be shared? 

Oh, yes, brothers are the best buddies and sisters often are strong supports in the "Little Women" mode, right?

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