Wednesday, November 20, 2024


 Voting is a great event. It is highly exciting. In fact, it gives an adrenaline rush to us, the otherwise non-descript citizens. As upper middle class people, we are hardly the demogaugic candidates to fall prey to the non-veg-n-liqueur apparently freely flowing in the ghettos, the zopadpatti's, the night before. 

As intellectuals, nor are we prone to the sarees or any other freebies. In other words, we choose to cast our votes not for any personal profit. Neither do we care for the empty caste castigations. We want to elect a government that cares for our genuine demands for a wonderful nation, for our self-respect as free, independent citizens. 

An election gives us the right to elect a government dedicated to development. We vote for a party, for a candidate who understands the contemporary contexts. We can through our votes empower thus a better state, the best country committed to sustainable goals that promise the win-win growth and togetherness of all.

Voting, the basis of democracy, is as old as Greece. In modern times, it is late seventeenth century when democracies were thus enabled. The fight for the voting rights for women, for the black community, in brief, the empowerment through voting has a long history. Hence the need to exercise this right which was exercised by almost half the world this year.

Every vote counts. When we vote, we define definit(iv)ely the contours of the future of the entire polity. Thus the need to cast the vote most sensibly, and at any cost, a duty as a citizen. Hence, in May 2024, i felt very bad when my name was struck off the voters' list most surprisingly.

 In our lane, the only name missing was mine. Even people who had died a decade ago had their names present as eligible voters! I immediately wrote to the Election Commission. This time, when I tried to complete the form, repeatedly I got the message that I am already a registered voter. Looking forward, in brief, to tomorrow!

Pratima@ I love the colour blue. Hope my thumb would tomorrow thus get impressively inked!

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