Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The killer disease

 Fear kills. Want proof? There is this rather crazy story wherein a non-poisonous snake wants to prove the point to a cobra. They bet on it, apparently. What must be the wager? 'Curious' question all right! Yet it need not detain us right now. Let us continue with the story.

Both of them float in the river. A swimmer dives in. The cobra bites him, but he sees the non-poisonous snake floating nearby. Nothing happens. Soon another swimmer jumps in. The non-poisonous snake bites him. He sees the cobra floating nearby. Convinced that he is a victim of a cobra bite, he dies of a 'fear'ful heart attack immediately.

THE dis-ease that causes similar trauma in a patient is cancer. It kills at least half of the patients out of sheer fear. The treatment is both painful and costly. So terrifying is the cancerous reality that the ghoulish pictures of oral cancer can stop anyone fron tobacco abuse of any sort.

Certain cancers can be curbed. In fact, with the latest medical technologies, many can be controlled, reversed, made less life- threatening. In fact, with proper medication, the patient can lead a normal life without any relapse.

Most often, cancer kills because it is detected at a later stage. By then, it has spread all over. The collateral damage within the body is huge, and hence destructive. Cancer is a bother, moreover because it is an auto-immune disease. It is as if the body rebels against itself, and then preposterous is the growth of the cancerous cells.

Oh, yes, despite many an "Anand' and a 'Majboor', there is NOTHING remotely romantic about cancer.  Sure life is a stage, as says Anand, and the villain in the 'drama'tic show is  cancer. Hence the urgent need on the cancer day to create as much awareness against it, its causes, its cures as is human(e)ly possible!

Pratima@ India is slowly but surely turning in to the world capital of life style diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure AND cancer. To avoid SUCH pandemics with hugely high mortality rate, advances such as the gene therapy ARE important. Much more needed are  life style changes such as healthy food and lots of exercises including 'pranayam', 'onkar' and stress management, I suppose. 

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