Sunday, November 17, 2024

Poisonous People

 In this life complex and difficult as it is,  you should never have the misfortune of meeting people who consider it their prime duty to harass you, to belittle you, to spread canards against you, and worst of all, consciously take away your chances constantly. 

Poisonous such people are. As a woman, it IS tougher to suffer them. You just have to smile at somebody, and they would go in to an overdrive to spread the worst canards against you. It does not occur to the foolish crooks that a woman should be seen at least once with some man to 'connect' her in any way! 

Interestingly, they themselves would have countless liaisons so much so they would almost have been beaten up, shamed professionally for such caddish behaviour which may even include multiple marriages.

 Women in their own immediate lives would enjoy unholy alliances of all types, would even beget children outside the so-called holy wedlock which is nothing but an empty sham, a marriage of convenience. May be, that is why such people imagine that others, too, carry on!

Actually such canards, however horribly bothersome, do not matter much because  not everybody is brainless. It can actually  and easily be observed that the only company you always keep is your own self! Sure those horrors may hence try to spread 'other' countless canards that can even reach the proportions of using political contacts, of paying roadside cheapies of all sorts to constantly call you "chudail", for instance.

Such creeps are horrendous horrors, however, when they try to constantly sabotage your career, and indirectly in the most vicious way. They do have the necessary contacts, they socialise with the right people to easily attain such effects in the subtlest way. 

Before an important interview, over a drink, they would hint to the Selection Committee  not to think of you. As they are well-connected, nobody wants to antagonise them. How does it matter that a worthy candidate loses? Your Ph.D. topic would be alloted to their favourite while you are out of town, not on campus, and that dahling feeds off your hard work, while you are told how people's Ph.D's can be 'completed' in a fortnight if 'everything' is provided!

Let me narrate a quite curious episode to prove how subtle such evil machinations are. I was freelancing with the 'Indian Express' while completing my thesis. A well-known author was in town, and I was to interview him.

It was rather a scoop. No other major newspaper was on. I literally ran to reach the venue on time. One such "poisonous persons" type ferried that great author from somewhere in his car, and I saw him clearly indicate to that worthy author not to talk to me.

It did not occur to the meanie that I was not merely someone he chose to hate. I represented a newspaper! May be, that also would have added fuel to the fire of his villainy. Well, the interview was against an  appointment. The great etc author had to spare at least a few minutes. 

I came back to campus, and I had friends of the meanie accost me, and tell me that my article would be eagerly awaited even when I had never mentioned anything to anybody. I used my reading of the author's oeuvre, my literature student sensitivities to weave a proper article around the sparse answers dished out. 

The article was received well. I made it a point to send it to the worthy soul, the great author, who wrote back in praise. He ended  that letter with 'you are very kind'! Obviously, despite being more than double my age, he was not!

The poisonous people use some creep, disgruntled for no rhyme nor reason, to make your students gang up against you, not to much success though. Repeatedly such trials go on continuously. The paid minions stand in front of your home at night, and scream at the top of their drunken voices all such achievements! 

The poisonous creeps are excellent at locating all the other worthies who choose to dislike you for some reason or the other. Such gangs jell rather well. You dare not utter a word as there is no concrete proof!

Well, I choose to think of such an 'on razor's edge' life a blessing in disguise because one is thus not  allowed a single chance to make even a minor most mistake as the consequences would be gruesome. One would never have dallied down the primrose path. Yet it is good to have a free of cost constant watch on you!

What about the chances unjustly snatched? Well, others are sure to emerge! Technology is crafting interesting avenues that can design outlets for one's creativity. At least, one knows one never paid up, one never compromised in any way, unlike the harassing horrors, to attain so-called success!

Pratima@Judas was not really very close to Jesus. Yet he pretended to be a disciple to betray the prophet for thirty silver ducats. Well, he knew very well what he was up to!

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