Saturday, December 7, 2024

Deceit and lies

 The crooked think that straightforward people are fools. It never is so. Kind-hearted, straightforward people are extremely intelligent, nay, brilliant. It is just that they feel that everybody else is equally good, kind, nice and straightforward as they are. 

Such people, let me tell you, have a great awareness of the world because they are extremely well-read and hence in the know of the ills of the world. It is just that they cannot bring themselves to behave badly or wickedly even when they can intuitively spot such ugly behaviour in others. May be, their inbuilt innocence gifts them with a sixth sense which saves them from the malicious.

Let me share two examples to prove this truth universally acknowledged. Some three to four weeks ago, this student with a backlog in the MCQ test had not paid the re-exam fee. I had sent an individual message to this boy as early as September, 2024. On the WhatsApp group of his batch, I had sent some four messages, beginning September 2024. There was the green tick which showed that the messages were read. He did not respond in any way. Another student, she woke up on time, paid the fees, and I gave her assignments which she submitted a little late which I ignored. She cleared the backlog.

Most interestingly, even when this boy had not even paid the re-exam fees (I asked him repeatedly, I reminded him many times), his name appeared miraculously on the result sheet. How he magically emerged there is anybody's guess. I inquired again on the group. He responded that neither had he paid the re-exam fees nor did he approach me for any assignments. Absolutely clean records on my side! I just felt pity for the mischief-monger who made an absent student appear present!

 Now the second instance! As usual, there was this buzz of the neighbour family, as well as the roadside riffraff, " eh, she is asleep." The crooks never understand that I can hear every nonsensical word. Suddenly my mobile rang. On the line was this person saying my phone would be switched off within two hours.

First it was said that I use the phone too much!!! Next he said that my second phone, later he changed it to mobile number, is involved in some nefarious activities. Immediately  I realised that some hanky-panky is afoot because I do not have any other phone number.

I cut the call. Some riffraff @the roadside said so immediately. Well, any mobile phone can be tapped within fifteen meters range. So I realised that someone nearby was keeping an eye/ear on my mobile. Immediately  I started checking back every detail. 

There is no TRAI office in Colaba, Mumbai. The second Airtel phone number this guy, Rajeev Sinha, alloted/assigned me actually belonged to some Poonam, elderly lady, in Delhi who said in a fake voice that she was sick. Her name, too, was clearly invented on the spur of the moment. I could hear in the background a young woman scolding a child who dropped some utensil.

 The phone number from which this Rajeev Sinha called up has a +870 series which is either from Arkansas, America or some hanky-panky connection called 'Panerian'. I tried calling up the police. Most phones were dead, unanswering. On one call, some lady tried to disconnect.

I chose then the best way. I e-mailed  in detail all the relevant information to the top most authorities @ TRAI and the online Crime Branch. Hope this Rajiv Sinha as well as some "poor Javed" mentioned in the lane nearby get arrested and jailed and fined which should teach them that innocence is not stupidity!

Pratima@Innocence is its own protection.


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