Thursday, December 5, 2024

Inviting Danger

 Read a news item which disturbed me. It does nor directly have any bearing on any event in India or with any Indian. It is from Thailand and is about a Russian actress. It, however, has life lessons for everyone everywhere.

Apparently this young lady liked very much this craggy coast in Thailand. She would often return there. This time she chose to perform yoga on a rock on that coast. A huge wave crashed on to that rock, and took her away. Soon her drowned body was found nearby. 

Why this play, rather gamification, with nature, right? Her 'act' is like the selfie craze in India. People attempt any stupid adventure for a unique selfie. Without fail, every monsoon, people, at times, entire families, drown near that seashore or downstream this waterfall. People fall into deep gorges in an attempt to catch a so-called unique selfie. 

To every action, there must be a contextual propriety.  No bride should get married in a swim suit, right? Nothing nor anyone can technically stop such a practice. Yet it is in extremely bad taste, right? Like a so-called notorious actress who wanders the Mumbai streets in awful stages/states of undress! I suppose such people lack sobriety, sensibility, sensitivity, and sense!

Pratima@Yet another example of such crass and crude behaviour is this video sho(r)t of an interview with Dwiwija, the daughter of Devendra Fadnavis. The kid, must be in her mid-teens, is asked her reaction about the landslide victory and her father's future chances. The girl answers absolutely maturely for her age. 

She answers in English because the interview is in English. Yet the ugliest comments below the video by typical trolls are difficult to believe, with the usual casteist slur being the most predominant. 

Highly dangerous is such behaviour pattern with its targetting techniques and its ugliest divisive politics at the cost of a kid! It invites the danger of unnecessary victimisation of the innocent, right?

Equally badly, it invites extremely ignorant and malicious, downright dangerous, propaganda against English, the lingua franca of the world, whether anyone likes it or not.

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