Sunday, December 15, 2024

Men's Melancholy

 The tragic news on an otherwise bubbly social media is the suicide by Atul Subhash, an I/T employee, with AI specialisation, at Bangalore. I am not sure of it but, most probably, he hanged himself. Before committing suicide, he wrote a detailed (apparently twenty-two pages long) suicide note. A detailed video of some ninety minutes and a detailed checklist of activities to be accomplished before the final good-bye are doing the rounds of the social media.

I have not checked either as there are extremely ugly details about personal preferences, et al, which nauseate me because it is the peeping Tom mentality which I have always found disgusting. Why unnecessarily interfere in others' lives about which we do not really know much, right?

 Yet, on the basis of the details available in the media, the techie's tragic end  raises many issues. The first obviously is the judge's behaviour. Asking for bribes, otherwise prolonging the case by giving 'tarikh pe tarikh', laughing at the man's plight when the wife publically taunts him "to die" are hardly activities befitting a legal luminary. If found guilty of these nefarious activities, she deserves a sack.

Just as one expects more sensitivity from a female judge, one is equally bamboozled by the menacingly mercenary behaviour of the  wife. Asking for eighty thousand rupees for the upbringing of a two-year old in a two/three-tier city like Jaunpur, asking for crores as alimony even while getting a big fat salary herself are clear indicators of treating the husband as a human ATM!

It is unfortunate that many women think of marriage as a convenience. Well, the society cannot point fingers at you even when you have extra-marital flings on the sly, or openly, as you can always gloss over anything and everything as 'professional behaviour', as ' professional activity', et al.

Yes, women do misuse the anti-dowry act. Yes, women do allow extreme interference, especially by their mothers. Yes, they do misbehave most maliciously  with the in-laws. Yes, they do not want any responsibility, but all the pleasures of all sorts at their beck and call. 

Luckily, now the in-laws are not immediately arrested. Earlier so was the case. Moreover, the husband had to sui motto prove HIS innocence. Many women did take most undue advantage of all possible loopholes, and ruined the reputations of the entire in-law families. Now it is not that easy for scheming wives to live off the alimony, while the husband and his family face living hell due to such machinations. 

When a relationship dies, is it okay to milk it to one's own advantage? It is neither feminine nor humane!

Pratima@The real tragedy is that the media glare thus attained hides more menacingly the harassment, physical abuse many daughters-in-law suffer in the mofussil as well as urban(e) areas. Most mothers-in-law treat the new woman in the son's life as an intense threat. In brief, instead of the male or the female versions, we require a human(e) society!

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