Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The first of its kind

 The other day, I was browsing the internet,  given the submission of an assignment for the completion of an FDP.  Thus I came across this interesting initiative by the UGC, that is, 'celebrating the Indian languages week'. 

How to make it operational in the BMCC? I mentioned it to Bagwan Madam, my co-editor of the volume celebrating the BMCC on the occasion of its completion of its eightieth year.  Luckily, she immediately agreed that it was an important event. During deliberations, it was decided that there should be an elocution competition on this occasion.

Very rare are elocution competitions these AI-aided days. Especially when it comes to the Indian languages, students find it almost funny to use it, even when their hold over English leaves a lot to be desired. Hence the relevance of this elocution competition which has extremely thought provoking themes such as 'the relevance of the Indian languages in the media world'. 

It may appear as if the metros are sold out to English. Though it is not so, the Indian languages have a vibrant existence in the two- and three-tier cities, and the mofussil areas. Why, the giant MNC's/TNC's choose to translate their advertisements, for example, in the local languages. Literature in Indian languages is vibrant in these areas. Well, in Karnataka, there is a village that even today carries out its entire daily activities in Sanskrit! Hope students would explore such pulsating areas. Well, I did provide tham general guidelines for an effective presentation. Looking forward, in brief, to the event!

Some of my students are participating in the event. I have asked the entire German group to 'grace the occasion.' Hope they will turn up to cheer their classmates. It indeed matters a lot because in a commerce college, languages always get the step-sisterly treatment, though actually commerce students need languages the most as communication is the fulcrum of their future careers.

Hence this sincere attempt which could fructify in to reality, given the Library machinery that Bagwan Madam can gear up in to action mode. May be, like its unique PNG Language Lab, this language-oriented initiative in the BMCC, a commerce college, too, turns out to be "neighbours' envy, owner's pride"!

Pratima@Languages matter the most, especially in the AI-era.

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