Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Fengal Phenomenonn

 Currently there are so very many events and incidents that human beings as a race can think of themselves as the divine gift to nature. Now cars can drive themselves, for instance.  As for the AI, the less said the better because so much more is being said about it, by it, through it, and what not.

Mankind can send space shuttles to the moon, the mars, and beyond. Human beings can stay in the space. Looking at the very core of the universe is no news now. In brief, it may look like we have mastered most all Nature.

Have we though? The great five principles time and again show mankind what a tiny speck in the infinite universe we indeed  are. Look at the Fengal, for example, which is to hit the Southern India. With an almost  brutal force happen these typhoons with gales at unimaginable speeds, and in their wake they lay bare mankind's empty swagger! 

Sure, mankind does try to control the wastage by intimating people. Thus lives lost may be an unfortunate few. Yet such is the destruction of  property that people would require a lifetime to get out of it. Yet another Fengal appears on the horizon in no time. 

Despite such battering by Nature, mankind never loses its hopes, its dreams, its  aspirations. That is the way, mankind overpowers all types of Fengals, right? 

Pratima@Fengals may belittle our 'physic'al spaces. They, however, do not have any control over our inner core which makes us truly human(e), right? So, Ahoy, Fengal, literal or metaphorical!

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