Monday, December 30, 2024

Games that villains/vamps play!

 These days, one can never be wary enough. It is no good being innocent or straightforward these days. Sincerity and authenticity are great, but they are sure to land you in to soup. Naïveté should actually be banned because it is a surefire formula for disaster.

Why do I say so? Well, times are such that lies and dishonesty are more attractive currently. Glamour matters now, not the genuine substance. Why? Because fake falsehoods of all sorts would have made rounds of all WhatsApp groups, all the 'x' and insta accounts, would get tweeted and re-tweeted, would have got thousand likes and would have gone viral world-wide even before Truth would have switched on the mobile after the self-imposed media detox!

Don't you believe me? Well, do you know that fool(hardy) game tried by crooks? Yes, it is known as "digital arrest''! All sorts of people have not only been financially duped, but they have also been subjected to lots of emotional violence and intellectual torture!

Do not ever answer a number that you have not saved. You never know which fraudster is attempting which chicanery hidden behind it. Some time back, there was a Malaysian investment and trading platform which quoted the Murthy couple, the TCS people, the Infosys bosses, and so on!

Well, the latest trick, so say the police, is something that would take advantage of one's kindness, goodness and humane decency. On a busy road, a crying child would accost any single woman appearing vulnerable. So, no worries, tough cookies! But beware if you are a gentle soul whose heart melts faster than butter near the fire.

Why? Well, the crying baby would whimper and sob, and say that it is lost. The kid would have an address on a chit of a paper. In between huge sobs and tears streaming down cheeks, the child would ask you to take him/her to that address. Instead take the kid straight to the police station! So say the police because if you were to give in to your emotional overdrive, and take the child to the address, goons worse than Valmik of the Beed notoriety would be awaiting you! Sure, in brief, no times, no place for genuine goodness! Simplicity, straightforwardness, genuine goodness are no longer their own reward. So, better be careful. 

Pratima@Such crooks succeed and scoot! Says Benjamin Franklin,"tricks and treachery show lack of brains because such people cannot imagine intelligently a better world". Hmm, indeed!

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