Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Song Psychology: a paean to pan music

 It is your "down and out" day. Literally in the doldrums is your mood. On such a dark day, try listening to a truly sad song like "Aaj socha to" or "n kisika ankh ka nur hun".  Unshed tears would moisten your eyes. For sure. 

Otherwise on that very day, listen to a very happy song like "sare ke sare ga ma ko lekar gate chale" or "zindagi ek safar". Without fail, you would jump out of that depressing mood. That is the power of songs.

As for romantic songs, the less said the better. Whatever might the stage of your current 'status', any love song is enough to energize your faith in love and romance. That indeed is song psychology for you.

Well, it does not have to be film songs.  Nor is it necessary that you understand the words. Listen to classical music of both the  Indian and western types, especially the instrumental variety. and you would agree with my statement above.

May be, because the musical notes address us subtly at the core, and because they literally ring out of nature, music creates this cathartic effect. No wonder, Aristotle's 'Poetics' thinks of it as an inalienable aspect of the dramatic art/act.  Our very own Bharat Natyashastra explains the structure and the effect of  music in minutest most details.

Music, whatever the variety may be, affects not only us, humans, but oh, yes, animals, too, deeply feel music (remember 'The pied Piper of Hamelin"?), while we cannot foget Sir Jagdishchandra Bose's research regarding music and plants. So, listeners of the world, unite and, listen to more and more music of any and ever variety. Because thus you have  nothing to lose, except the shackles of your depressed mood!

Pratima@ Even when we listen to sad music, we like it because of its artistic excellence. In brief, "music when soft voices die/lingers in the memory" as Shelley would say.

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