Friday, September 17, 2021

Definitely Democratic

Recently, on fifteenth of September to be precise, it was the international day of democracy. I would like to say that now democracy has really come of age. Let me explain why.  Sure as per the definition by Lincoln, it continues to be of/by/for the people, but in a far more accessible way, is what I feel.

Why do I so argue? The obvious answer is the internet. The access to internet is now universal. At least in India, given the almost free data, most all people have access to the internet. As a result, information is no longer the prerogative of any privilged group. There really is an explosion of information accessible to most all everyone, and apps are appearing by the minute which can make a very creative use of such resources. Information, education, entertainment, mention any field, all is at everybody's fingertips. Sad that not all are using this ocean to navigate well. In fact, such creeps are using it to create new inequalities and injustices.

Yet another reason why the ethos now is more democratic is because relationships have become elastic. In fact, many aspects considered taboo a decade ago are now literally child's play. As a result, newer expotations are emrging, too, In addition, the weave of familial relationships is getting unknit and loosened, and that is creating problems for such vulnrable groups as the children and the elderly.

In such volatile times, the maternal feel, the motherly heart, the paternal support are virtues we need to inculcate and improve in all of us. Otherwise, the democracy as a feel, even as an organisational principle of society would descend in to demogagogy and thus in to ananrchy finally. 

pratima@democracy can be a deity or a demon/                                                   if not properly nurtured benefits none!

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