Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Ozone Layer

 The Ozone layer is very impotant. It is central to our very existence. It protects all the forms of life on the earth. It filters out the highly dangerous UV/ultraviolet rays radiated by the sun. Otherwise, these fatal rays would have caused skin cancer, worse, would have suppressed our very  immune systems. Eye contaracts could have been yet another prevalent disease. No wonder, a day is marked out, Sept 16 to be precise, as the World Ozone Day. It has a lovely name. It is called the `roof to life'.

Our individual lives have such `roofs to life' as well. They protect us from (e)very evil. But for them, our thin skins would have grown thicker than the cancerous skin. Thus they add sensitivity to our very existence. Our sensibilities, our god given gifts, our vices and our faults would have turned against us viciously, but for them.. Our vision would have been a faulty, tunnel vision if they were not there. They are our real ozone layer and forget a day, every second of our lives blooms because of these` roofs to our lives'. Yes, you have guessed it right. The real ozone layer in our exist-ence are our parents, especially our Aai. Would you agree with this interpratation of mine? Can you interpret/open up this metaphor further?

pratima@our ozone, our oxygen/                                                                          they make us human!

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