Thursday, September 2, 2021

Heart has reasons

Yesterday we were talking about brands, right? Advetising plays a huge part in a brand creation. Most often, it is quite crass. Sometimes, the ad-n-brand equation can be a bit sensitive, too.

Saw this ad of Dominoo's pizza. Quite some narrative it was. A son leaves a mother at an old age home where the only thing she thinks of, talks of, is the son, his habits, his days. At the old age home, she earns a little money, sewing kurtis,  and spends it all ordering a pizza for the son because he loves cheese pizza. Undoubtedly sweet!

Yet one wondered if old age homes are indeed necessary? I for one had decided that come what may, Aai would never go to an old age home. Sure it used to be truly tough. Indeed, the mavashi, that is, the female ayah, used to be of the Putna variety. However impossible the situation could be, my decision was firm. In her last illness, her geriatric specialist tried his level best, real hard, to convinve me to send her to the old age home. In fact, he was plain irritated with me for not agreeing to send her to an old age home. He has mentioned it in capitals in the hospital release certificate.

My argument was that she spent a lifetime in nothing but just caring for her family, her children. There was no way she would spend whatever could be her remaining days in any place but her home. Tried to literally recreate as many of the hospital facilities as much and as fast as possible. True, illness is extremely difficult to bear when one is old, fragile, bedridden with many co-morbidities. Why then compound the physical pain with the heavy interest rate of a psychological hurt?

Well, are old age homes  indeed necessary? Would discuss it some other time. What is your opinion? Are old age homes inevitable? Well, the fun is I do not mind a hospice or an old age home for myself when I would be her age, but I could not imagine one for her or for Papa! Heart has reasons the head knows nothing of! 

pratima@ Yeh dil hai ke manata nahin!


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