Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 Have you met people who are the ultimate when it comes to being boring-because-bossy? For such people, they alone (tops their inner circle) are right. They are the paragons of all that is correct, right, proper. 

The political party they prefer cannot do any wrong. Their excessive adulation of a leader grants him/her and, of course, them a halo, while the leader they love to hate is Satan incarnate, and his/her followers, unlike them, have to be biased "andh bhakta"! 

All they do, think, are is by definition THE truth. So the political leader they hate is the worst demon on this earth. Unthinkingly opinionated, they do not even seem to grant the wheels within wheels within wheels involved internationally when it comes to politicking in a post-LPG, neo-colonial world.

When it comes to governance, they do not seem to realise that a leader is the face behind whom are tremendous scholars, brilliant strategists, superb think tanks who do a lot of analysis, genuine thinking, real time, life like practice, and testing paradigms through actual ''re-search'' which goes far far far beyond forwarding wapp, insta or fb messages without even reading them. So the same message, same image, same video would be repeatedly forwarded on the same group with the same spiteful hatred! They do not even notice it as they never seem to read neither before nor after!

Their world is unbelievably black-n-white. They, of course, are by definition the white. So it is okay if they never "listen". Their minor most successes are to be tom-tom-ed to the whole world, to the hilt, with band-baaja-baraat. At times, the whole day, someone's intimate problems would get discussed threadbare, without nary a thought about or the opinion of the third party or the others involved who has no voice due to absence.

Such is their binary vision that they would eternally gas on and on and on about tolerance, democracy, space, but would never grant it to others. You have to be either with them or against them. No different, alternative vision is possible in such a bullying world. The moment a word is uttered against their firmly and blithely held beliefs, huge hectoring from all sides would bombard.

Every argument is a menacing  battle in which they alone must win. Every ignorant, prejudiced opinion they believe in has to be THE truth. How to deal with such goony, loony behaviour? 

Laughter for one thing is the best medicine.  Ignoring them, their lies, their attacks completely, without getting hassled is the other. Of course, being bossy, it would not occur to them that you are no longer in the loop. That matters not because you are left in peace wherein their piecemeal approach cannot pressurise!

Pratima@The best compliment to such people is: eh, you brighten the room when and because you leave it!

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