Monday, July 3, 2023

The good, the bad, the ugly

 In our lifetime, we meet all sorts of people, the good, the bad, the ugly. The good are the best of the trio, and the easiest to deal with because they are intelligent, decent, kind, gentle, generous. They never mean any harm, anyways.

As for the bad, we can find various ways to deal with them. We can always keep them at bay, for instance. We can absolutely avoid them, may be. We can even try very hard to find out the better side of them.

It is the ugly who are the real danger. Let me first and foremost clarify that these ugly people may not be ugly appearance wise at all. To begin with, in this whole world, there is NOBODY who is ugly to LOOK at. Each one of the Lord's creations has something special looks wise that makes him/her special, unique. You may lack the vision to see/perceive it. 

 The ugly, in fact, could be charm impersonated! In other words, the ugly, is a term that refers to the inner rather than the outer aspects of such people. As far as the inner world goes, what are the defining characteristics of the ugly? 

First and foremost, they are control freaks. Obsessed with power of the psychological variety, they have to control all, especially those they hate. They can go to any extent for the sake of their love of control. Black magic, tantra techniques, nothing is beyond their ugly obsession with power.

Next, they are obsessive and, as a corollary, hyper possessive. I would say that all these ugly qualities come from their innate inferiority complex. Anybody happy in her/his own skin, that is to say, within her/his own self, is never ever thus! Inferiority comes from solid self hatred.

How to deal with them? The best technique would be, I suppose, to let them know openly that one has completely, totally  seen through them. That strategy reduces their power because their cat-n-mouse games thus get nullified.

Thus does one also indicate that one refuses the victim mode. One is hence neither like them aggressive/possessive nor weak/stupid. Clearly should one indicate that one is no toy to their whimsical crudities. 

Next, one should continue to completely ignore their crude vulgarities. If such hypocritical uglinesses are totally, completely ignored, they, and the silly, cheap rumours they spread  cease to bother one, as they do NOT even exist in one's world, right? 

Which else could be the ways to counter these uglies, the Iago types, because they are viciousness personified? Oh, yes, it is psychological warfare, and hence needs subtle but sure and sane techniques, right? 

Given their negativities, why even waste words of the blog on them? So let us end with 'difficult even for the Lord to forgive them as they very well know what they are up to!'

Pratima@ Such horrors do not need to go to hell coz they are already there, and try most jealously/zealously to make all along every heaven in to their own eternal abode, the hell!

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