Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Perseverance pays, resilience rewards!

 There was some unexpected comment on my fb account. So opened it. Actually, I never even know which account of mine I am opening coz I do not know how, but there are four fb accounts dedicated to yours truly! So I have four birthdays as well! No harm getting birthday wishes the year long, right?  

Well, I opened one of these four accounts, and, voila, was there this most gracious, absolutely gorgeous video!!! It dealt with a bear cub. It had to be either of the poles coz the waterfall there had frozen in to a wall of ice. Yet it was very deceptive ice. It was slippery like the worst joyride ever imagined. The ice was powdery as well. It was a crumble a tumble scenario.

There was this mother-kid pair. In the beginning of the video, both tumbled down that icy slope. Mamma Bear managed to climb up the slope after a minute full of struggle.

For Chotu Bear though, it was horribly hard, truly tough. Oh, yes, before I continue with the story,  must say that this 'Mamma Bear, Chotu Bear' stuff is something my nephews loved. Especially Kunal adored the "Three Bears and Goldilocks" story. I had to describe in detail the Bear family, Mamma Bear, Papa Bear, and Chotu Bear, their neat and clean home, the threesome furniture sets, and so on. One of my loveliest memories is the story time, the story sessions during that long lost childhood. How kids grow up, and real fast!

The Chotu Bear of our video was quite some character. He slipped down the ice wall repeatedly. The ice was so dicey and tricky that his mamma kept on pacing up and down near the edge, but even she would not dare the fall yet again. 

One could feel her desperation and helplessness. Yet her kiddo never gave up. The cub slipped time and again, each time deeper, every time when he was just a step away from safety and security symbolised by his eager Mamma waiting, full of agitated anxiety, extending each time an eager to help paw.

Each time he fell back in to the slush deeper. Never even once did he give up. After every fall, each more dangerous than the earlier, he would be back, climbing up, clawing his way through the deceitful ice, full of grit and determination. The small black figure against the deadly white vertical sheet of ice was heart wrenching. He focussed very hard on climbing up after every fall, tougher, deeper and lonelier, more and more difficult to climb back.

 He managed it though. The wondrous scenario was a visual treat full of high voltage drama. The small little hero won it, absolutely the prince of the wild. The cutest and most heart tugging scene/moment was his scampering after his maman, joyfully bounding away, bouncing merrily as if nothing had happened at all. Actually though, he had fought the toughest battle of his life, and won it in absolute style! Hence the title of my blog, Perseverance pays, resilience rewards!

Pratima@ Tenacity thrives!

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