Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Post Population

 Remember Wordsworth's poem entitled "We are seven"? Right now, all of us in this heavenly existence on this earth, too, can say, we are seven, though the only word we would have to add after the numerical, that is, seven, would be billion! Yes, we are seven billion right now, and we are heading fast towards eight billion. Hence this post on population, as we are indeed post (beyond, too and also concerned with) population!

Whatever might be the density of population region and/or continent wise, each country is grappling with population explosion in its own way. So far, China was the most populated country. India, however, has overtaken the dubious honour! 

Yes, right now we are the most populated country. That is indeed a bothersome truth, however much we may crow about the 'population alias demographic dividend' which at times threatens to be a ticking bomb.  For an example, look at the competitive exam scenario, gotten notorious after the unfortunate Pune incidents. The posts may be intermittently getting declared, and while endlessly preparing for the qualifying exam, without a Plan B, the young do not realise when they grow middle-aged!

 Similarly, there is a gerontological explosion as well. Given the medical in(ter)ventions and slightly better life conditions, the typical life span has increased. Every household these days has at least two senior citizens above seventy-five. Given the break down of the joint family system and children not always being nearby, the elderly, often without a proper pension, have their own huge problems.

Hence today, on the World Population Day, the need to think through the issue. How to humanely control the exploding population? How to put to use the energy of the inefficiently skilled youth, especially when the AI era is ruling the roost? How to make use of the excellent expertise of the highly productive elderly? Many are the issues that need urgent answers in our over populated world. Hope soon as many answers would emerge as many are the people!

Pratima@ Why populate the world much too much if sustainable development is the objective!?!

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