Monday, July 24, 2023

Parent proud

 These days, every alternate day is this day or that day. Well, it seems there is a 'batata wada' day as well! In such a tinsel wor(l)d sold to market forces, there are certain days that give a potent purity to this happening practice of 'day' celebrations. One such day is July 23, the Parents' Day.

Well, parents make us, mould us every which way. They give wings to our dreams, however much the process may take the sheen off their realities. The beauty of it all is that the huge sacrifices they make are priceless. This costless caring is born out of genuine love and concern, however much many may choose to consider it restricting domination. 

True, their experiences belong to a different generation which may not know of many contemporary constructs. Yet, they, too, have lived a life with its own constraints and conditions. If communicated genuinely, I think they understand. 

Let me give you my own example. Papa once asked me if it was okay running private tuition classes. When I explained to him how such a practice created a parallel education system which might defeat  (the very purpose of) education itself (it actually does so, right?), he immediately accepted the silly and sick compromises involved in setting up private tuition classes.

Hence I always feel and strongly argue that my parents were superb celebrities, much better than many touted as such. They allowed us all be. For the sake of our education, they had to sacrifice their right to togetherness. In those days of salaries which were never six figure, they never made us face any lack of any sort. 

True, we were not allowed to be wild, but they always made our ways wide, every which way. Hence I do not mind taking every possible opportunity of celebrating their memory because they lived a lifetime centered only around their children, and, mind you, with no expectations in return. Long live Aai-Papa! Hope I can make my life more and more a worthy tribute to their parenting.

Pratima@ Oxytocin, the happy harmone, is parents' eternal harmonal balance, however much children may cause them to 're-lease' cortisol, the stress harmone!

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