Friday, July 28, 2023

Live(-r), eh!

 July 28 is indeed a significant date because it deals with one of our most vital organs. It is not very big. It is not explicitly visible either. It controls the very dynamics of our body though. Yes, it is the liver. We live, er, if our liver lives soundly. It was on July 28 that Dr. Blumberg's path-breaking research related to liver received the due world wide recognition. Hence this small little blog.

Let the liver live, or otherwise, we shall not live because liver damage leads finally to hepatitis, a kind of cirrhosis, which most often is fatal. Hence the need to take care of the liver. Better to avoid drinking liqueur, smoking, eating unhealthy oily food. Better to drink a lot of water.

Earlier, of course, the liver disease, like most all diseases, was hardly this deadly and dangerous. In fact, jaundice was almost a great occasion to drink lots of sugarcane juice just as tonsillitis allowed one to eat dollops of ice-cream. Well, in my childhood, I was not so lucky as to be down with either of these wonderful diseases!

Now, however, any amount of care is not enough. The entire climate has changed for the worse, both literally and metaphorically. Now jaundice means vaccines, not the lovely sugarcane juice with a dash of lemon and ginger. Now the more you take precautions and avoid any dis-ease, especially of the unseen organs like the liver, the longer you live, and healthily. Health is now indeed wealth. As Erasmus said, prevention, moreover, is better than cure!

Pratima@Health, like time, is wasted without realising it. Once lost, however, neither can be re-gained! 

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