Monday, July 10, 2023


 Perspective it is, I believe, that makes or mars our attitudes,opinions and assumptions about everything, be it people, be it places, be it animals.

Let me give you a concrete example. Most people hate it when dogs howl, especially at night. Well, as for me, the doggy howl may not exactly be music to my ears. It never ever bothers me though, as I LOVE  dogs! In fact, I feel a little worried when they howl because I feel that they must be in real agony, facing genuine trouble such as an upset stomach, for instance. 

In brief, since my perspective is that of loving kindness, i am never ever irritated with any sound the doggie may choose  to make, be it a howl or be it a snore.

Well, my perspective/attitude is innocent. Hence there are not any worries. However, when perspectives ossify in to prejudices, they can indeed be a bother. This fact holds good for everything and everyone.

I suppose, an example may prove my point yet again. Look at the current season itself. Initially much in demand, given the horrible holiday temperature, not to mention the pre- monsoon sultry climate,  the rains appear to be THE boon itself. But that initial enthu lasts just a little, a week(end) long supposedly.

Thereafter, the monsoon becomes a bitter bother, what with the moonwalk along the pot-holed paths during the day, and the mosquitoes feasting on your blood at night! Absolutely tiresome! You literally wait eagerly for the divine intervention. Finally, the rains stop. You enjoy, in brief, any season in perspective, with(in) your opinions. In brief,  dear perspective, long live! Long live, the perspective!

Pratima@Remember the story of the old man whose elder daughter was a farmer's wife, and the other, a potter's? Never ever could the poor soul bless properly, given the contrasting perspectives!

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