Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Causes and the Cures of the Iago Phenomenon

 Shakespeare's "Othello" is indeed (one of) his best. There are very many reasons that make it a perfect play. Let us not right now go in to all these. Let us instead explore the Iago Phenomenon.

Who is Iago? An ensign! The first remarkable aspect of his personality, in my opinion, is that he is wonderful at creating perceptions. He is a master at creating images, setting and releasing narratives. He makes the foolish Roderigo believe, for example, that Desdemona loves him. Another perception he creates right from the beginning is that the simple, genuine, naive, straightforward Desdemona is good at  double games! Thus he makes Brabantio, her father, agitated, irritated against her.

Yet another narrative he sets up is his so-called closeness, concern and care for Othello. In fact, he makes Roderigo and Casio, too, believe that their welfare is his concern. Excellent he is at telling half-truths as the handkerchief trap proves. One can go on adding up his awful oddities.

The real issue though is not the 'how' and the 'what' of his devilry. Rather it is the 'why'. Why does he ruin an innocent life? Is it because of the race issue, the black Othello getting all sorts of goodies? Is it personal jealousy of Othello? Is it an attempt to get even with Casio who got an undeserved promotion, which  in Iago's opinion he himself should have got? 

Why the corrupt viciousness indeed? His "motiveless malignancy" is indeed a mystery within a jumble! In my opinion, however, he is obsessed with power, power over personalities, over events, even when, and, in fact, precisely because he is a nobody. 

Well, in real life, too, the Iago phenomenon abounds because Iago is not merely a literary character. It is a personality trait. Around us, too, there are very many curious characters who try to "finish off" our image, our future, our simple, innocent life for no rhyme, no reason.

 Even when supportive Emilia's are extremely rare in real life, how to tackle the Iago types? How to confront the sly? How to untangle the web of multiple lies they manage to weave with subtle expertise? How to Confront the web maker? Any solutions?

Pratima@Tit for tact does not work always!

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