Wednesday, November 8, 2023


 Look carefully at the title of the blog today. What do you think it means? No, it is not the abbreviation of 'can not' as the apostrophe sign is missing. No, it does not mean religious mumbo-jumbo.  

Okay, let me give you a clue or two. Gr8, B4 are examples of it. Have not got it as yet? Well, listen to this anecdote. An over indulgent Daddu (yes, such is the status symbol which shows that you have arrived; has nothing to do with filial love) often heard Sonny Boy scream 'LOL' in to his smart phone. So he deduced that it meant 'lots  of love'.

One day, his wife's aunt broke her hip. Huge as it was though, must have taken a hard hit indeed, he thought of the mean machine when he was told that a Volkswagen hit her. Well, he wanted always to be in the good books of his son's mother, and that rather huge branch of the family tree.

So he asked Sonny to send across a 'LOL' message. Wifey flew in to a rage. As usual, he could not understand why the good ole Vesuvius  erupted yet again. Very innocently said he, 'I am sending your aunt lots of love'. Sonny screamed 'ROFL' and took pity on the ignoramus to explain that 'LOL' meant 'Loads of Laughter'.

Now he knew why the good ole Vesuvius spewed poison! ICYMI, the episode straight from a comic strip should tell you that the titular 'cant' refers to a secret code shared by the core group. 

As if the emoji's were not enough, this version of the 'cant' is quite a headache! 'ROFL' has no French connection, mind you. It means 'rolling on floor laughing'! 'ICYMI' is not an educational institute, 'in case you missed it'. 

Most exclusionary is this so-called creativity. In a way,  reminiscent of the linguistic process of 'acronymy' is this 'epigraphy'. See how bothersome jargon is! The social media users revel in it though.

So let my blog not get the 'TMI'(too much info) tag, coz then the readers may 'TL;DR' (too long, don't read) it. 'NVM'(never mind). 'LMK' (let me know) if you practice this fashionable eyesore called 'cant'!

Pratima@ 'AFAIK' (as far as I know), 'cant' cannot clear  communication!Hinders it the best, causing quite a 'noisy' havoc!

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