Sunday, November 26, 2023

Meditations on devotion: Part I

As Aai was from Pandharpur, both the major Ekadashi's, Ashadhi and Kartiki, have always mattered to us. I find the full nomenclatures of these two tithi's very interesting. Ashadhi Ekadashi is known as "Devshayani" and  the Kartiki one is the "Devprabhodhini" Ekadashi.

The names mean that the Lord, Vithoba/Vishnu, takes total, complete rest from Ashadh to Kartik. In the heavenly Kshirsagar, he rests on the coils of Shesha Nag, with the hood of the snake protecting him from the elements, I suppose. In the Vithoba temple at Pandharpur, the idol wears the nightly headwrap, and a bolster like pillow is put behind the neck of the idol.

I like this anthropomorphism, and find it absolutely cute and adorable. It means that even gods  require rest! Sure, the lazy amongst us may use it to justify  themselves. Personally though, I would like to interpret this praxis as a cure to a burnout. Rest rejuvenates! Indeed a 'divine' message!

Pratima@How mature are such praxis! Tomorrow I am going to analyse the Tulasi Vivah.

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