Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Kindness is all!

 Better be kind always because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle of which you know nothing. True! Hence the title of our blog which plays with the King Lear theme, namely, 'ripeness is all'. 

Yet currently we live in such a world that we require a special day to remind people to be kind. Well, the Wo(r)ld Kindness Day happens to be today! Kindness, I think, is the normal mode of behaviour. At least, it should be. It is not, however. In fact, gentle and kind people are considered rather weak and quite stupid in the cruelly competitive world today.

Yet the world today needs kindness in a huge measure. We need to be kind not only to human beings, but to the environment as well. We need to be gentle with so many species of flora and fauna getting extinct by the day. They reciprocate even a small act of kindness with genuinely gentle response. Not so with most people today!

Yet I get the feel that there is no need to be that pessimistic because it is only shallow and stupid people who are cruel. Similarly, people, who have a huge inferiority complex,  are crooked and cruel to cover it up.

May be, hence, to save oneself from such meannesses, there is a need to be kind to oneself as well. So long as kindness to oneself does not dwindle down to narcissistic self-indulgence, it is absolutely okay. Otherwise, in the chambers of heart  would echo hard selfishness.

In other words, kindness is a choice that enriches oneself. I feel, moreover, that kindness must hence be a discipline because it does require a huge sense of sacrificing one's self centered  indulgences. If not inculcated by parents in childhood, people can consciously practise it in adulthood through mindfulness training.

 Kindness is all. It saves you from all kinds of fall. Kindness costs nothing, but its value is beyond everything. Hence better be kind. Fortune, divine justice, karma, whatever you choose to call it, will sure favour you in kind!

Pratima@Kindness and gentleness may not add to your professional profile, but such sterling qualities make you genuinely pretty and truly brilliant! Care for others and yourself . It cures you of all that is destructive.  Be always kind, leave nicest memories behind!

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