Thursday, November 9, 2023

You hate me? Please feel free!

 Has this happened with/to you? Earlier, it used to happen hugely with me. That is to say, I used to feel terribly upset when someone would knowingly, consciously ill-treat me to let me know that she/he hates me, despises me, influences others to hate and despise me, moreover!

Well, I used to be like, I never bother you. In fact, you harass me. You ill-treat me every which way possible, spread silly gossip around in every nook and corner. Despite that horrendous inhumanity, I never descend down to your viciousness. Then why?

Indeed I could never fathom it initially. One day then I decided to analyse it thoroughly within myself. With a very powerful intellectual/ideational/emotional microscope, I analysed each and every thing about myself.

Then I realised that their not liking me, their despising me, their hatred of me, their ill-treatment of me IS THEIR problem, not mine at all. Even if I am better than the best, they are going to be nastiness itself.

Once I realised this, there was a huge sense of calm. Next came the realisation that whosoever you like/dislike reveals a lot about you, nothing much about the person. Let me give you an easy-to-understand example. If I like Amir Khan as an actor, it reveals a lot about me, about my abilities, my perceptual/intellectual levels and cognitive depth, my tastes/priorities, and so on. On the contrary, if I dislike Dada Kondke, once again, it reveals who I am. 

This insight led me to the next realisation. Who exactly are THEY as human-beings? May be, I am not accepting the fact  that they are trivial nobody's within themselves. If so, why worry about their hatred and their dislike, right? Hence the title of this blog. What say?

Pratima@When you are going to market, on the way, at every crossroad, there would be thousands of mange-eaten, flea-infested, garbage-fed curs barking at you, right? Why waste time and energy throwing stones at them? Better be like the elephant, an extremely intelligent, sensitive, generous being, who despite the huge power to crush to pulp such creatures, ignores all such distractions!

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