Monday, November 13, 2023

Defining Diwali

 What does Diwali mean? Oh, yes, literally it means diwa/deepa and awli, that is, a row of diyas. Apparently, it refers to the lighting up of thousand diya's when Shri Ram  returned to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana. Beyond the myth, when do we have such abundance of light? Why do we have it? The answers to these questions means Diwali now.

Well, yes, let us begin with the crackers. Currently, Diwali is the abundance of crackers despite the court orders. There are very many pros and cons about bursting the crackers. What is wrong if we burst crackers for a day or two? Would not crackers be burst when India wins the world Cup? Why object to enthusiasm whenever Hindus have festivals?Objections galore!

Yet in a household where around a dining table, a discussion about the issue emerges and the youngsters at least listen to it, if not follow it, Diwali is truly celebrated because Diwali is that care and concern for each other. Diwali is that love for the larger whole, too. 

Diwali is that clean and well-lighted home decorated with love with a new acquisition or two. No, it is not merely a bow in the direction of consumerist economy. It is a kindness for the very home, and genuine love for those who reside in it.

Diwali is also the heart-felt gifts and the joy of getting and giving them. The gifts, small and big, mean the largeness of heart, the depth of love for each other which is the real meaning of the festival.

Diwali is the unique brilliance of head, heart and soul which takes us from all the darknesses within to the light of knowledge, to the brightness of consciousness. Thus we travel from mundane daily chores to better lives. Diwali is the name of that lighthouse within, which steers us away from the darkness called  meannesses, viciousnesses, cruelties to an inspired, better self! When that happens, when the inner demons are defeated time and again, every day becomes Diwali as every second is then and thus lighted up with zillion luminescences!

Pratima@ What is Diwali? Where is Diwali? When is Diwali? Well, Diwali is forever in a mind lit up with all that is better than the best!

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