Monday, November 27, 2023

Memories are forever!

 November 26! The very date evokes multiple memories. On the one hand, it is the Constitution Day, the day that devoted the Constitution to us, the newly independent Indians, who thus thence became full fledged citizens with inalienable rights.

November 26! It is the day when Mumbai was rocked by a horrific terror attack by Ajmal Kasab and Cohorts! So many, fifteen long, years have elapsed, and yet the day is forever etched in my memory. In a way, it is inevitable because, that very night, my cat, whom I literally bottle fed as her mother had abandoned her as a kitten who had not even opened her eyes, attacked me most viciously. 

Why? Well, she was vaccinated every which way,  even against rabies, too. Extremely difficult to know/gauge why she clawed, bit me so fiercely. Just as Kasab and Cohorts controlled cruelly the CST, Mumbai, she held me hostage, literally mauling me.

 It was as if she was possessed. It was a Saturday. It was an Amavasya, a no moon day. Someone later pointed out, saying cats are used as vehicles of black magic. I would not know, but my soul is still seared  with her fond memories that ended so tragically, just as are both my forearms as they still bear those scratches and bites, deeply etched.

Pratima@ Time flies away but memories linger, whether sweet or bitter!

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