Thursday, November 23, 2023

Women ARE better leaders!

 Across the world and in all fields, women are praiseworthy by their presence, and in fields as diverse as marine biology to space technology. True! Yet even today exists the glass ceiling. Noteworthy indeed is the fact that there is horizontal growth of women as workforce, while the vertical growth is minimal. 

Let me give you an extremely easily observable example to prove my point. In the academic field, nursery teachers to Ph.D. guides, zillion women can be found. Yet the nursery principal to the university chancellor, most all such positions would be occupied by men. Very very few women would make it, and those who do manage to get in to these power positions would be somebody's somebody!

Anyways, women as leaders is an issue that is bogged down in the perceptual mire. Let me mention a very easily observable trait to prove my assertion. Well, a leader has to be decisive. Whatever is 'decisive' or 'assertive' in men is 'aggressive' in women. In other words, the balance is tilted against women right from the beginning. Hence the need for a gender sensitive debate regarding women as leaders.

Personally, I am of the opinion that women do make better leaders. Sure there are bossy women, devils who wear Prada. Mostly though, women are more empathetic. Hence they are more team oriented, I believe. Even when thoroughly professional, they are not credit-crazy, I think.

Another objection is that women are women's worst enemies, and use gossip as a weapon to ruin a better candidate. Possible, though personally I believe that men gossip much much more than women do!

Well, yes, generalisations of any sort are questionable! Yet I do believe that women are better leaders. Want an example? Look at a working woman who runs a household.  She is all in one and always peaks at the right time. Without much help, she cheerfully charts the course, honouring all possible spaces, her own included. Hence the title of the blog!

Pratima@ Even as a rebel, Eve was far better every which way than the Satan! 

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