Not everyone is as lucky as Saif Ali Khan when it comes to autos in metros. Very early, why it was just past midnight, there was this auto driving past, the auto fellow immediately came to help out, without any fuss whatsoever, did not throw any tantrums despite such a sawari, and was okay even when not paid!
Saif is some lucky guy indeed! What exactly does he do to deserve this fortune, eh? Unlike us mere mortals, he never seems to suffer misfortunes galore in the auto mode! Uncountable are these! To begin with, his wonder of an auto driver did not even once demur even when the distance was zilch!
As for us mere mortal types, a rude " nahi chahiye" ( who wants to be wanted by them, anyways?) is tossed at us as if it is the latest missile. Next, they never know landmark destinations. At every turn, they want guidance from you as if they are your most committed re-search students.
Well, their mobiles never have the necessary app! No use mentioning it as some tirade about the untold(!) woes of the "wat pahanara" (that is, awaiting), though actually "wat lawanara" (what with funny, nay, crazy speeds of the auto on awful roads, and in the wrong most lane!) auto fellow are sure to unravel.
Why do auto fellows believe that the rear mirror is meant for staring at women unlucky enough to travel in their autos? So fixed is the stare that at every nano second, an accident appears imminent, what with that havoc called Pune traffic!
At times, they are terribly chatty, almost as much as the la-la-'ladies' in kitty parties, and equally shallow. Any pretended attempt on your part to start browsing the ever ready apps on your mobile gets you a disgusted look as if you are the biggest crater on the road! The eternal honking gets vicious at such times.
They never have change, can haggle like hell over a rupee, while they expect 'you' to shell out the change or the extra rounded off figure which they lust after as if it were that of the unfortunate woman passenger! Yet, without fail, they would call her "auntie", preferably though, "grandma!"
Why get in to an auto then? Well, not everyone has a fleet of cars, without drivers, at home, right? Buses are most irregular. Their timings can beat the arrival of the monsoon at unpredictability. So, what can not be cured must be endured!
As for the two-wheeler, though one can ride it blindfolded like 'Jadugar Raghuvir', the famed Pune magician, the eternal chatter in the lane right next to 'home, sweet home' is such a constant threat that one wants to be safe without any part of the body consciously being broken. So many have been such calibrated encounters of the scary kind (about them some other time) that you believe in the adage, 'in discretion lies is the real valour'!
The Uber, Ola types are so good at ditching at the last moment that roles for the heroines in Bollywood fillums must be authored, as if following their antics. Scary anecdotes of Ola Uber types turning away right at the doorstep are aplenty! In brief, endure what you cannot cure!
Pratima@Undoubtedly, there are honourable exceptions. As usual though, they prove the rule (of the zigzag drive down the dug up tar road!)
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