Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Why handcuff?

 Ever since he took the reins of the U.S. in his hands, Mr. Trump is absolutely in action mode. He seems to follow to the t all the promises he made while campaigning for the second term of his presidency.

No wonder, to India (were) returned illegal immigrants. The moment the plane carrying them touched the tarmac, began a  controversy here in India. A sizable group of politicians from the Opposition Parties created a huge hue and cry over the fact that these Indian citizens were handcuffed.

To handcuff or not to handcuff the illegal immigrants was never a question for the Trump administration. Their very entry in the U.S. was illegal. The humanitarian concerns that worried the Opposition Parties hereabouts could just not bother the American administration.

Personally though, I honestly cannot undestand the need to enter a foreign country illegally.  Apparently, these characters would have paid the middlemen literally crores of rupees. That very amount could have been the seed amount for any MSME kind of activity in India. 

Now they would feel truly lost. Re-entry in to the U.S. is now impossible. They have been defrauded of the meagre family fortune here in India. Forget the cruel mockery by the kith and kin, what now can be the plank on/by which to survive? How would they earn their livelihood now here in India? In brief, they would forever be chained to those handcuffs!

Pratima@When even for the legal entrants, there loom large the impossibilities of getting a green card, the dreamt about American citizenship,et al, why the illegal entry? Such a self goal adds insult to injury!

Arthur Miller,one of the greatest American playwrights, had as early as 1957 explored the tragic human(e) cost involved in illegal immigration. Though the community he explored was Italian ( with a scandalous reputation for all sorts of hanky-panky), his play, "The View from the Bridge" explores most sensitively the prices paid by all the concerned. It sure sensitises us to the tragedies currently unfolding everywhere the illegal immigrants (are) return(ed), handcuffed and chained!

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