Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Labour Issues

 Labour, if N. Subramnyam, the L&T big boss is to be believed, is these days a huge issue. Is it due to the AI strides, the theme of the Paris Convention? Is the AI a threat or an opportunity? While the bigwigs debate it on an international platform, local labour issues seem to be vastly different.

No, it is not the ideological issues. Post LPG, apparently, the Labour Movement seem to be in a lull. There might be alternative "or else" kind of pressure tactics. These are more of the power games, often with the underworld connects, and mostly without any ideological basis.

No, the long hours is not the gripe either. So much intense is the debate/discussion about work/life balance that one would have thought that the ideal dream Marx paints towards the end of the "Manifesto" is already a reality! Well, Marx is so much out of fashion currently that such, such could not be the issue.

Why then the huge attrition ratio? That query deserves a "let us debate" tag. Apparently the reason appears ro be the reluctance to relocation. Given the DBT, that is, direct to beneficiary, transfer, the not any longer poor labour refuses to move out of the local comfort zone. Hence there would be a huge attrition if a company from Maharashtra would like to spread its tentacles in to nearby states.

As for the techies, it may not the DBT schemes. It is the "work from home" convenience that has imbued in the very DNA in the post COVID contexts. If online work is the white collar issue, the blue collar ones pose different difficulties. Being a capitalist is indeed tough now!

Pratima@Unique are the issues of each century!

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