It is that time of the year yet again. Oh, yes, it is the time when the whole world chooses to forget the usual culprits such as region, religion, language, caste and class, and so on, and so on, and instead chooses to 'tread' in love! Yes, the Valentine is arriving. The very feel is there!
How to guess it? Well, at every nook and corner are there gift shoppees with velvet red hearts, not to forget the omni-present rose bouquets. Look at yesterday, for example. Of the Valentine week, it was the initial stage, the rose day, the harbinger. Even on the internet, especially the social media, group after group was busy sending images of roses of all hues; red, of course, being the favourite one.
Good in a way is such a celebration of the bonhomie. Love sure has to wait it out till THE D-day! The problem, however, is that all such chumminess is extremely superficial and shallow. It is of the " time flies, make the most of now" variety. So low is the threshold of this happy, happy feel that it is like the make-up of a bride these days. For that day, lovely; the next morning, back to brass tracks!
Would such glitz not lead to despair, disappointment, disillusion? Or is it the case that all the "I am good, you are great" shenanigans are a cover up to hide the deep rot down within?
Difficult to guess or know! I have always suspected, been very wary about the kind of chummy chummy guys-n-gals who eternally gossip about those absent, and much worse, tear to pieces the other, the 'friend,' the moment his/her back is turned. What company indeed, right?
In other words, in the wake of this Valentine feel, often the only true love is that of the Mammon, the god of wealth. Well, a rose that would otherwise cost a tenner sells this week at thirty at least. The trinket shops make a kill, too. This was the way it was last year, and this is the way it would continue to be next year! Nice to know that at least the rose bazzar is happily blooming!
Pratima@Love is not love that alters at the "Altar of Mammon!" Oh, no, it is an ever fixed mark beyond any roses or pizzas!
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