Do you want a 'self control' kind of crash course, and that, too, without any charges? Visit any bank in India. Of either private or government variety makes no difference.
You, too, work, right? You, too, need to be on time there, and can somehow make it to the bank where you have to (now and then, of course, imagine having to go there often, horror of horrors) go for a few important transactions. Well, panting and puffing, you reach a few minutes before their lunch hour is to begin.
The lady cashier snaps at you as if you are a stray with an acute mange. Actually, the Peon Kaka there would have liked to pull the shutter in your face. May be, he would be too lazy to pull it down and pull it up again. The tenth pass 'Mavashi' there continues to strut most self-importantly. If an unfortunate person were to make the mistake of asking her about the people at the counters, her glare is more scorching than the summer sun, while the coldness in her voice can make any glacier blush.
Well, thus are we fortunate enough and get the chance of waiting inside the bank premises for the employees' noisy chat during the lunch to get over. When lots of clientele is awaiting them, they are chummier and hence chattier with each other. At last, they get up, go to the washroom, come out wiping, obviously hands! What were you thinking of?
The cashier yet again glares at you. Just before going for the lunch 'brake', she had a very nice, quite cordial talk with a customer because she entered a huge amount as debit when actually it was credited! Anyways, it is managed with the software and the printed (re-)entries somehow. Who cares if the customer fumes? Such goof-up's happen!
The venom of that encounter is still brewing in her despite the lunch hour churn of all sorts. She starts snapping at you. You get an arrogant, overbearing and huge lecture about the way numbers should get written. So vehement and long it is that you are convinced that, thank God, a few KG kids were saved such a terror! No wonder, you turn an avid believer on the spot.
Your passbook is to be completed? The printer, or the printing machine, would always be dysfunctional. With the hi-fi software type of banking, a new excuse eternally awaits you, "there is no connection, server down"!
The officer you had to meet for another important but basic transaction arrives half an hour late. Obviously there is a big clientele awaiting his arrival. Belching, he chooses to ignore you. At last when he simply cannot stand the sight of your mug, tired after a long day and feverish as you are running temperature, he deigns to talk to you.
He sure is not as bad as the lady, is actually co-operative. How can you blame him for the inordinate amount of time required? Well, the computer, the printer, the 'line' from the central office, the server run slow, and are not there much too many customers? In the meanwhile, time flies at a supersonic speed. You notice you were at the bank some hundred and forty-five minutes.
Go to any government bank. You would face the same indifferent, arrogant, overbearing crudeness. Mind you, like the "sthitpradnya" in the Bhagwad Gita, they treat all customers, moneyed, poor, educated, illiterate equally!
In a private bank, added to this magic potion is yet another ingredient. Everybody in any private bank is forever busy. In addition, they are sleuths, Messers Daya and the CID team, in disguise. So suspiciously they watch your every move (very curtly you are told to remove your mask, incidentally) that very soon you feel afraid that breathing, too, might not be allowed. Always have I hence wondered how all those huge bank frauds take place!!!
Impossible people! Incidentally, they behave well if you can out-smart them with their own tricks. They would be okay only if you are equally outrageously arrogant and mean! No wonder, there was this news item that a Tamilnadu branch of a major bank was found to be a fake, you know why-n-how? Well, the bank employees were actually well-behaved!
The situation is no better in most offices, government, private, college, or any other. Extreme arrogance, shirking duties as much as possible, absolutely unpleasant body language rage. Exceptions that prove the rule could exist! Gandhians, I suppose, should super-spread some 'seva bhav'!
Pratima@Forget the fact that, though they behave as if they are the main reason behind the whole show, they should remember that they are paid their hefty salaries just because clients, customers exist!
Well, commerce colleges should have every semester special courses in languages, communication strategies and body language as the future careers of their students would always be people sensitive!
Of course, fingers crossed, here is hoping that if lectures at all happen, the entire course, not just a few impotant points that would autonomously appear in the semester final exam, whether written or MCQ, would actually get taught!
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