Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The young these days!

 There is always a lot of heavy duty talk about India's demographic dividend. Eternally everybody is going gaga over the higher percentage of the young amongst India's citizenry. 

Actually, almost as a corollary, there is a rising curve as far as the growth in the percentage of the older citizens goes. Hardly it is noticed. The old these days matter merely for mockery. The traditional respect accorded to age has withered away. 

In its place is there a crooked jeer as if people in their thirties and forties are not much much aged than those in their teens who are much older than those in their childhood. If such is the public space, one wonders what horrors (must) happen to the eighty plus practically every household has these days!!!

Do you really want to know the so-called young these days? Visit any college campus. They all are eighteen plus, that is, legally adult, right? Should know their responsibilities, right? Well, never do they mind being the classroom comets. (Of course, very very few teachers mind it either! Good to have a student or two.  Under that pretext, you can conduct a lecture for five minutes, if at all you bother to conduct any lectures at all. How the rest of the lecture time gets spent is anybody's guess! The question papers in any, mid-sem or semester-final, exam are autonomously, and even otherwise, an open secret!) They can lie through their teeth to explain their very many absences. They do not mind forging parents' signatures either.

Never can they understand simple instructions, whether orally (they are always mentally absent) or in writing (they never read notice boards nor wapp messages either). They apparently are so busy that writing a few sentences, given a fortnight, as an assignment is tough for them. Anyways, when would they actually write anything? ChatGPT and/or its versions are aplenty!

They have neither a thorough knowledge of the basics nor are they aware of the latest developments in any field. Somehow pass the exam, manage to get a degree by mugging up the night before and by submitting the chapGpt-ed assignments, they excel at these skills.

Vulgarest is their language full of ugliest cusswords, often referring to a mother/a sister. Crudest is their behaviour, lacking in any hint of sophistication, better forget grace (under pressure). Under the garb of skill development of varied sorts, literally everything goes, nay, gallops, as studies, and do they love it!

About the AI and the inevitable loss of jobs, they prefer an ostrich mentality. So long as they can yak and drape trendily, who cares!  Unfortunately, given the information instruments, such vulgarities (of the Beer Biceps' various and very many avtaars) proliferate everywhere and anywhere (dancing away, eating endlessly, jimming-n-jamming jazzily!). Visit any 'educational' fare, actually fair,  on the college campus, stalls would mostly be of food types! Who cares for food for thought!

Pratima@ SURE there ARE exceptions who, of course, prove the general rule thus! 

At times, I indeed wonder at their parents. Do not they ask their wards about what is happening in their lives? May be, the so-called young (actually absolutely wor(l)d weary!!!) must be lying there as well. Actually, any parent, like any sensitive lecturer, can guess if something is amiss. Hence the curious lack! 

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