Wednesday, February 26, 2025


 Have you watched the film "Chaawaa"? Well, I have not as yet. Yet, after all as a Maharashtrian, one knows of the extreme brutality meted out to Sambhaji Maharaj. His resistance to that unbelievable cruelty is the folklore one grows up with. The respect one feels for him, the honour his memory awakens in every human(e) heart are rooted in that resistance.

Sure, the very thought of that brutality is enough to send shivers down the spine. Yet it was at least visible because it was physical. Much worse is the psychological brutality. The wounds are invisible. The scars never heal though.  

Why is brutality meted out in the first place? The psychology of the person who is brutal is indeed worth a study. Is it pent up anger due to years of conscious ill-treatment? Often that could be a valid reason. Like the proverbial cat that is pushed to corner! In such a scenario, the current victim is actually the long time victimiser.

In a case like Aurangzeb's, his brutality is a pressure tactic to break the victim at any cost. Well, unfortunately for him, he forgets the principle that what you cannot break breaks you in the final analysis. The horrendous brutality he meted out to Sambhaji Maharaj  created thousands of Sambhaji's which finally doomed his destiny.

Martyrdom never goes waste. Those who are watching it from the sides perfectly very well know the reality. If it has not already brutalised them, too, their total sympathies are with the victim. In a way, the underdog is finally the winner!

Pratima@ I never watch creepy shows like the "Big Boss" because in my opinion such stupidity normalises viciousness, cruelty, brutality. Indirectly but surely, it would instill in the spectators the psychology that it is okay to be nasty, to crush to pulp (much worse, because unlike that horrendous 'game' (!!!!!) called boxing, in this case, it is not physical brutality) someone just because you are mean enough to hate 'just like that'! 

Any wonder that currently in the psycho-social arena rules the gladiator mentality which gloated when a ferocious lion tore to pieces its unfortunate victim, or vice versa!?! Those who love to watch the raging bull charge at the matador ARE irredeemably brutal! The darkness such spectacles create has no silver ring/lining!

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