Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Year End Begins

 April is the cruellest month. This quote by T.S. Eliot is a much used one, by all sorts, beginning with students. Especially in the pre-covid era, so it used to be. The covid and its multiple variants have taken away both, the fear and the queer charm of the exam, what with the mcq's made as simple as is humanly possible.

In my opinion, however, December is the cruellest month. A curious feel of fatigue, anxiety  and some worry  get the control of the entire system. This panic attack is much worse than the  Corona scare , and it happens habitually every early December.

The first week of December is an awakening that an entire year is almost 'past'. Thus starts the realisation of the much that is yet to be completed, while the year is almost  over. The first week of December is an acute reminder of the transience of everything, and the permanence of nothing. 

In India, the festive feel is on the ebb. With the cold setting in, the smudgy smog envelopes all. A pessimistic blue mood is in the very air, in the distant horizon with its skeletons of trees.  Very few flowers bloom, trees shed leaves copiously, much faster than the tears of a lost soul. No hopes illumine the bleak scenario. April is indeed the cruellest month!

Pratima@know not whence /attacks this mood tense!

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